APPN Workshop on Multispectral 3D Plant Imaging

PHENOSPEX will visit the VBC with their new PlantEye F500 device and perform multispectral 3D scans of your samples.
Your plants will be grown at the VBCF PlantS Facility and scanned one day before the workshop. 
Therefore, we need to receive your seeds in advance (deadline_1). 
Hands-on data analysis will be performed during the workshop - follow-up discussion of derived results will take place
on the second day in individual meetings.

Date: October 12th -13th, 2017

Venue: Vienna Biocenter, GMI Orange Seminar Room, Dr. Bohr Gasse 3, 1030 Vienna

Deadline_1: 1st Sept. 2017 (if you want your samples to be scanned)

Deadline_2: 1st Oct. 2017 (general registration deadline)



Looking forward to meeting you at the VBC!

Yours, organizing committee (Stefanie Koemeda, Anneliese Auer, Klara Wuketich & Jakub Jez)


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