15 Lemnatec OS Image Analysis Software

Image gallery:


Jakub Jez

Vienna BioCenter Core Facilities GmbH (VBCF)
Plant Sciences Facility (PlantS)
Dr. Bohr Gasse 3
1030 Vienna

Email: jakub.jez@vbcf.ac.at
Phone: +436648084770
Web: https://www.viennabiocenter.org/vbcf/plant-sciences/

Key facts:


Name Lemnatec OS image analysis software
Location Vienna BioCenter (VBC), Vienna.
Category Image analysis software
Environment Non
Sensors Software input: RGB, hyperspec.
Traits Morphometric (size, shape and color)
Capacity High-throughput image analysis
URL https://www.lemnatec.com/software/

A complete package of phenotyping functions enables programming of freely definable image analysis pipelines and includes a broad range of functions relevant for phenotyping. The LemnaGrid software module uses a graphical programming environment (similar to LabView or Microsoft Robotics Studio), which allows simple integration of different image analysis algorithms. Besides analysis pipelines delivered by LemnaTec, user-defined analysis pipelines can be programmed easily. Devices are available in a drag-and-drop toolbox and can be combined to set up workflows on the graphical interface. The image analysis pipeline extracts desired properties/features from the original image and saves their results. Programmed image analysis pipelines can be called via LemnaExperiment to run with sets of recorded images.